Firewalk to Ignite the New Economy April 18th, 2009

To San Diego's Entrepreneurs, Coaches,
Sales People and Self-Employed Professionals:

Are your existing clients and customers not buying as much or often as they use to?

Are potential clients hard to find, or give excuses about "the economy" and not having the money right now?

Ignite sales in your business and no longer be shackled

to the limitations and fears about the current economy


You could actually be thriving right now, not just surviving, by having plenty of clients and business.

The key is to face head on your biggest challenges to getting more customers and clients.

  • Are clients skimping and not  buying right now?
  • Are products or services you offer not seeling as well?
  • Are potential clients no longer coming to you like they use to?
  • Do you need to learn to market or hire someone to help?
  • Do you need more referrals?
  • Do you tired of the same objections even though you have an excellent product or service?

No matter what  challenges you are facing, there is something  that you don't know or are feeling confused or overwhelm about that is preventing you from being powerful in the face of this challenge.

Igniting San Diego's Economy (Firewalk April 18th)

On April 18th, there will be a 4 hours Firewalk training taylored to the needs of entrepreneurs, coachessales people and self employeed professions that will help you blast through these obstacles and get to where you want to be.

Here is an overview of what will happen

1. You will get clarity and support about the biggest challenges you are facing in your specific business or occupation

2. You will identify and commit to the most important 1-2 actions that will make the biggest difference in increasing your sales and revenues immediately

3. You will be outrageous and unstoppable in completing those actions powerfully and quickly and generating more income right now

Consider this:

1. Shifting the mass perception of the current world wide financial situation requires months or years and millions of people to change their view

2. You can shift your outlook in an instant and write a completely different future than the one handed to everyone else, a future where you have a choice and a say how it goes.

Event Details

Date: April 18th, 2009
Time: 5:15-9:15pm
Location: San Diego area


At the Event

$70 per person
$100 per couple

(A portion of the proceeds go to Breast Cancer 3 Day)

More About Firewalking

For hundreds of years, the Firewalk ceremony was a rite of initiation for communities to celebrate and empower their tribes or villages. The principles still apply today and are empowering people to make a difference and help ignite San Diego's economy.
Here are the experiences many people have have reported from Firewalking:
  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

About the Firewalk Leader:

Julian D. Bergquist creates and delivers empowerment programs that help small business owners and self employed professionals increase their revenues and grow their businesses.

Event is Over

Event is now past

Igniting San Diego’s Economy on April 18th for Earth Day 2009

To San Diego's Residents and Tourists

Do you feel doubt or uncertainty regarding your job or business, finances or housing?

Would you like to feel that you are thriving right now, not just surviving?

How to Live Powerfully in the Face of Uncertainty


Would you like to know how to stop being worried or fearful about what will happen next, and instead what you can do about it now!

If you turn on the TV and Radio for 5 minutes, open your email Inbox or Internet browser, or walk into a shop and ask any small business owner what is going on, what will you hear and see?

Almost every news cycle and advertising speaks of the economic woes. I bet if you are not feeling it yourself in your income or saving, someone you care about is feeling it right now.

1. Shifting the mass perception of the current world wide financial situation requires months or years and millions of people to change their view

2. You can shift your outlook in an instant and write  a completely different future than the one handed to everyone else, a future where you have a choice and a say how it goes.


  1. Make a decision for what you want
  2. Set an intention  to do your part to achieve it
  3. Invite your Aumakua or Divine Nature to open the Way


Some people have reported:

  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Live Powerfully Initiation

Date: April 18th, 2009
Time: 5-9pm
Location: Vista, CA 


$69 per person
$99 per couple 

Early Bird Special $20 off till 4/15 (tax day)

$49 per person
$79 per couple 

$20  members of the San Diego Firewalker's Club

Firewalk Leaders:

David Manawanui Bergquist


Please RSVP if you will be attending by completing the form below. You will receive a follow up email with the address and map to site, and some additional pre-event instructions.


Huna Firewalking Ceremony – March 21st, 2009

The Huna "Umu Ki" Firewalking Ceremony

Practiced for hundreds of years throughout Polynesia, the sacred Umu Ki ceremony continues to be a source of Faith and Inspiration. The Umu Ki ceremony, held on the Makahiki, the Huna New Year, provides the opportunity to experience a demonstration of the righteousness of your Faithwalk, whatever that may be.

It is a Warrior's Walk as you come face to face with your fears as you surrender to the awsome power of your Divine Nature or Aumakua. Initiation into the Huna Heiau's Umu Ki  Firewalking enables you to live according to Huna principles as you learn to set intentions, follow-through, no matter the outcome. The Umu Ki Initiation focuses on the core principles of Huna to:

  1. Make a decision for what you want
  2. Set an intention  to do your part to achieve it
  3. Invite your Aumakua or Divine Nature to open the Way

The Huna Firewalking is the culmination of ceremonies that ready you to Invite your Aumakua to walk with you across the hot coals, as your Three Selves are in Lokahi, or a state of Enlightenment.

Some people have reported:

  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set intentions that inspire and motivate
  • More courage to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projectso
  • Opening to experience Aloha
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Date: March 21st, 2009
Time: 5-9pm
Location: San Francisco area
Suggested Donation: $25

Firewalk Leaders:

Julian D. Bergquist


Please RSVP if you will be attending by completing the form below. You will receive a follow up email with the address and map to site, and some additional pre-event instructions.


Juan Carlos Quesada:

Conferencista Internacional de Motivación e inspiración con más de 20 años experiencia impartiendo seminarios de crecimiento personal y profesional. Realizando caminatas de fuego con Tony Robbins en países como Australia, Inglaterra, Francia India y Estados Unidos comunicando con un mensaje de determinación y decisión para hacer realidad nuestros sueños remover cualquier miedo.

Somos seres divinos extremadamente poderosos de energía y co-creadores. Lo primero que manifestamos es nuestra realidad y lo hacemos por los pensamientos que nosotros escogemos, las palabras que utilizamos para solidificarse en esos pensamientos y las emociones que seleccionamos y amplificamos. Si escogemos someternos a un sendero del un conocimiento más alto sólo toma un pequeño cambio en nuestras creencias para comenzar el viaje.

Pedimos que las personas cambien su creencia de: “el fuego siempre quema” a “el fuego no siempre quema” y eso es el comienzo para ser capaz de caminar por el fuego sin peligro. El deseo y la apertura para cambiar la creencia es un paso importantísimo y necesario para el sendero del conocimiento más alto, que es casualmente indispensable al caminar sobre el fuego. ¿Si podemos pisar carbón caliente a mas de 1000 grados (f) y no quemarnos los pies, imagínate lo que podemos hacer que nunca pensamos antes?


En la caminata de fuego nosotros encendemos un fuego de leña, la cantidad varía según el tamaño del grupo, y permitimos que se queme hasta convertirlo en carbón. Esto toma generalmente acerca de 90 minutos entonces nosotros esparcimos el carbón en una pista para caminar descalzo. El punto de ebullición de agua es 212 grados (F) que es suficiente en causar quemaduras de segundo grado. La temperatura de este carbón es de 800 a 1200 grados (F). ¡SI es posible andar a través de esta temperatura sin peligro!

CAMINAR SOBRE EL FUEGO no es una experiencia religiosa. No es una experiencia espiritual, a menos que usted escoja hacerla espiritual. No toma hipnosis ni algún estado alterado de consciencia para andar sin peligro. Toma 100% de su atención y dedicación como lo sería para alcanzar sus sueños. Caminar sobre el fuego es una indicación de que una persona se ha encarado de vencer el temor.

Esto no es como el paracaidismo ni el bangee que saltan porque el individuo debe fiarse de sí mismo para la seguridad antes que la tecnología. La caminata de fuego requiere a una persona que dependa de sí misma y se fíe de su ser interno y alto para la protección. Es esta auto dependencia que hace caminar sobre el fuego una experiencia tan transcendental. Somos seres muy poderosos y y nuestro Seminario de Caminata de fuego demuestra cómo conseguir acceso a este potencial ilimitado y utilizarlo para andar a través de carbón a mas de 1200 grados f.


La manera de poder andar en carbón es estar en un estado personal de gratitud con la intención y esperanza positiva. No es prudente correr o saltar. Es necesario controlar los pensamientos y mantener el estado mental apropiado. Es un estado en donde usted se permita sin ninguna duda almacenada en el área inaccesible de su mente alcanzar su poder. Saber realmente cuando usted está listo es necesario para pararse delante de las brasas resplandecientes y sentir que el calor irradia completamente arriba de sus piernas y entonces se pregunta. ¿Puedo hacer yo esto sin peligro hoy? Incluso si la respuesta es no formar parte del grupo de la caminata de fuego es asombroso. Los sentimientos del regocijo, el entusiasmo y el poder personal después de que una caminata de fuego es sorprendente aunque decida no pasar.


1. Para experimentar la evidencia concreta que usted es muy poderoso y es capaz de logros asombrosos.

2. Para saber lo que se siente conseguir acceso a su potencial infinito y tener la autoridad total en su vida para cualquier cosa.

3. Para confrontar el temor y darse cuenta de que la barrera más grande a su éxito en cualquier tentativa es el temor incontrolable excesivo.

4. Caminar sobre el fuego es de mucha diversión y causa que el cuerpo produzca endorfinas que producen una cierta euforia.


La decisión de andar o no es totalmente del participante. Sólo el participante sabrá si lo puede hacer sin peligro. Hay generalmente un pequeño porcentaje que decide no pasar. Para muchos implica sensaciones de terror y ansiedad poder imaginar que pasaran por el fuego si esto sucede no pase.

¿ES ESTO FACIL? Sí es fácil. Sólo toma COMO 5 minutos de mostrar 80% de las personas para saber cómo hacerlo. Otros toman un poco más de tiempo para entrar el estado apropiado. Es una experiencia maravillosa y de mucha diversión que podemos lograr como equipo con un mismo propósito: El Amor.

Fecha: Domingo 18 Enero, 2009

Horario: 3-7pm


Valor: $25

Inf. 619-947-5635 760-445-8666


Firewalking 1/18/2009 Shifting Perceptions / Shifting Lives

We are extremely powerful divine energy beings who are co-creators of the multiverse.

The primary thing we create is our reality and we do that by the thoughts we choose, the words we use to solidify those thoughts and the emotions we select to amplify it all. If we choose to commit ourselves to a path of higher awareness it only takes a small shift in what we believe to start the journey. A willingness to shift belief is also a necessary stepping stone on the pathway to higher awareness, which coincidentally is inherant to firewalking. Suddenly the question becomes what other beliefs have I accepted as truth without an adequate test or adequate prospective.

If I can walk on 1000 degree hot coals and not burn my feet what else can I do that I never thought I could?

It is a physical, mental and spiritual experience. It does not take hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness to walk safely. It does take 100% of your attention.

Firewalking presents an indication that a person has faced and overcome fear. This is not like parachuting or bungee jumping because the individual must rely upon themselves for safety rather than technology. A Firewalk requires a person rely on and trust their innermost and higher selves for protection. It is this self reliance that makes Firewalking such a transformational experience. We are extremely powerful beings and and our Firewalk Seminar demonstrates how to access this unlimited potential and use it to walk across glowing 1200 degree hot coals.

The way to walk coals is in a state of personal empowerment with intention and positive expectation. It is not prudent to run skip or hop. It is necessary to control thoughts and maintain the appropriate mental state. It is a state of total empowerment leaving all doubt stored in an inaccessable area. To really know when you are ready it is necessary to stand in front of the glowing embers and feel the heat radiate all the way up your legs and then ask yourself the question. Can I do this safely today? Even if the answer is no just being part of a group where some Firewalk is amazing. The feelings of elation, excitement and personal power after a Firewalk is astounding. Salespeople and management teams that share a Firewalk also share phenomenal success and achieve as never before.


  • To experience concrete evidence that you are an extremely powerful being capable of astounding achievements.
  • To know what it feels like to access your infinite potential and feel total empowerment on demand for any life situation
  • To confront fear and realize the greatest detriment to your success in any endeavour is excessive uncontrolled fear.
  • Firewalking is alot of fun and causes the body to produce endorphins that produce a certain euphoria.

Yes it is that easy. It only takes abou 5 minutes to show 80% of the people how to do it. It feels alot like walking on popcorn. It is a wonderful experience and a great deal of fun and a natural team-builder.

Shifting Perceptions / Shifting Lives

Date: Sun, Jan. 18th
Time: 3-7pm
Location: Coronado Beach
Costs: $25 (bring cash or check)

Juan Carlos Quesada

Register below if you plan to attend. When you register we'll send you the exact location on the Coronado Beach where this will be.

2009 Kickoff Firewalk 1/10/2009

2009 Kickoff Firewalk

Date: Sat, January 10th, 2009
Time: 4-8pm (Fire is lit at 4:30pm)
Location: Vista, CA

Costs: Donation Requested
Donations of $10-200 per person or couple is requested to cover the costs of firewalk, with any extra going to help the homeless in the San Diego area.


  • Julian D. Bergquist (Live Powerfully)
  • Kevin Cole (Empowerment Quest)

If you have children, they are invited to attend with you, but its requested they not attempt to walk on hot coals.

RSVP Requested so we will know how many people will be attending. When you register below you will receive an email with the address of the location of the firewalk.

Some of the Communities in Attendance:

  • San Diego Coaches and Clients
  • Empowerment Quest
  • Landmark Education
  • San Diego New Thought and Spiritual Churches