After the Firewalk…What Next?

The Laws of the Universe
by Michael McDermott (aka Kahuna Paka)

Now that you’ve firewalked, what next?

“You do not get rich by doing certain things, you get rich by doing things in a certain way.” — Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, 1903.

The firewalk is a powerful tool, giving you a reference point, an “anchor” which you can use at any time in your life to walk through any fear or doubt.

There are laws of the universe that are as certain and scientific in their effects as the law of gravity. The firewalk is a marvelous tool. However, it’s not enough to just use the firewalk to be able to face and walk through your doubt and fear. If you want to cause the creation of your vision rapidly you must become aware of, and consciously start using the laws of the universe along with the tool of the firewalk. This conscious use of the laws of the universe will launch you into a new dimension, a higher frequency of vibration, which will enable you to move forward in a Quantum Leap, causing the creation of whatever you want to create in your life.

How can you create your vision, now that you have the firewalk under your belt as an “anchor” to face and walk through your fear?

There are seven laws of energy that Bob Proctor talks about in “The Science of Getting Rich.” Every one of these laws is vitally important and these laws expand and expound upon the one great law, namely “Energy Is.”

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

We are thinking beings. Consciousness is forever expanding. We are creative beings, which means that one thought leads to another and we can’t stop thinking. The creation of thought goes on in an endless cycle as automatically as breathing.

If the thoughts we think are negative and fearful, we get doubt and fear as a result, which causes a pulling back in our action, and the result is lack and limitation.

If the thoughts we think are positive, we get attuned to the law of FAITH, which helps us move forward in our lives. Living and taking action with full faith and purpose is a part of creating everything we want in life. But we must come to full knowledge and practice of the principles and laws of the universe to get to where we want to go.

How can we stay positive in a world that sometimes appears to be so negative?

The first step is to know what we want and begin to focus on it every day. I’m going to suggest that you write a goal down, perhaps on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it will you every day. Look at that card and read that card over many times every single day. That will help you stay focused on the vision of what you want to create in your life.

What we focus on expands. Spend time every day focusing on your dreams and your visions. Keep the bright promise of the fulfillment of your dreams and visions very strong and constant in your mind. It’s the conscious use of the law of cause and effect that will bring about the creation of whatever it is that you want. It must come to pass. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow
Rich, said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Think about that. Now, ask yourself the question, what do I want? What do you really want? Make a decision right now, that you aren’t going to waste one more day creating things you don’t want in your life. Decide what you want. Make a decision to go for your dreams. Step boldly into a new dimension of thought and being. Make this a quantum leap. Go ahead and create your bright visions. And don’t be afraid to think and dream BIG.

I will get more into the 7 laws of the universe, and in particular the Law of Perpetual Transmutation in my next email.


Michael McDermott (aka Kahuna Paka)
You can download "The Science of Getting Rich" here…